The storyflash Content Unit is a Web Application to share your Social Media Content on your Website.
There are different Unit Types which can be configured within your backend
You may like to add the StoryBar and StoryBox Unit to your website. Please read the Embedding Section.
338px/255px min.width/height 124px/124px image width/height 338px/600px min. overlay video width/height
338px/600px min. width/height 338px/600px video width/height
Add the following Script Element directly to the position in your Page you like to display the Widget.
<script defer class="storyflash__script" data-sfcid="[MyCustomerId]" data-sfaid="[MyAppId]" data-sfparam="[MyParams]" src="https://widget.storyflash.de/apploader.min.js"></script>
The Configuration Parameter in Brackets must be changed:
[MyCustomerId] is a unique Number. Your Publisher ID. For Example 10223
[MyAppId] is a unique Number. Your Widget ID. For Example 1.
[MyParams] is a String. ID of your Story Category Tags. These IDs are seperated by Comma (without spaces).
For Example 3,5,8 for "Business", "Education" and "Food & Drink"
ID Category name
1. Arts & Entertainment
2. Automotive
3. Business
4. Careers
5. Education
6. Family & Parenting
7. Health & Fitness
8. Food & Drink
9. Hobbies & Interests
10. Home & Garden
11. Law & Politics
12. News
13. Personale Finance
14. Society
15. Science
16. Pets
17. Sports
18. Style & Fashion
19. Technology & Computing
20. Travel
21. Real Estate
22. Shopping
23. Religion & Spirituality
You may add more than one widget per Page with the same [MyCustomerId] but the [MyAppId] must be different
The Logo you may add to your widget in the Storyflash Backend must have a size of 138x35 Pixel
Do not write the Script Element with another script to your Page. We start to load the assets window.onload and the Script itself is defered by default using the shown Script Element
The StoryBar and StoryBox can be configured to handle Story's or Categories (not and/or)
You will find the Configuration Parameter in your Storyflash Backend
Configuration Parameter Examples like [MyCustomerId] must be replaced with the Brackets
Please note that we have always the Experience of your User in our minds. We like to create the best possible Experience. That's why we designed an fast, stable and relieable Application.
The Widget has no (negative) effect on the Experience of your Website User.
The Storyflash Widget AppLoader Script apploader.min.js has very small footprint of 24.6KB and took less then 30ms to load. The defered loaded Script load the Widget Application asynchronous after all other content of your Website has been loaded in the background and run the Widget only if it is visible for the User. So we keep the extra computing time and bandwidth of your User to a minimum used by the Widget.
The Widget has no (negative) effect on the Performance of your Website.
The AppLoader Script load asynchronous in the background all needed parts of the Widget Application, after all other content of your Page has been loaded. Scripts, Styles and other Assets are only loaded when the User need them.
The Widget has no (negative) effect on the Appearance of your Website.
The AppLoader and Widget Application run in their own separate namespace. They do not interact with Styles or Scripts on your Page. So, the user has the experience he'd like to have.
In order to monetize Inventory, please add following ads.txt entries:
smartadserver.com, 3373, DIRECT
contextweb.com, 560288, RESELLER, 89ff185a4c4e857c
pubmatic.com, 156439, RESELLER
pubmatic.com, 154037, RESELLER
pubmatic.com, 156030, RESELLER, 5d62403b186f2ace
rubiconproject.com, 16114, RESELLER, 0bfd66d529a55807
rubiconproject.com, 13132, RESELLER, 0bfd66d529a55807
openx.com, 537149888, RESELLER, 6a698e2ec38604c6
sovrn.com, 257611, RESELLER, fafdf38b16bf6b2b
appnexus.com, 3703, RESELLER, f5ab79cb980f11d1
groundtruth.com, 107, RESELLER, 81cbf0a75a5e0e9a
districtm.io, 101760, RESELLER, 3fd707be9c4527c3
loopme.com, s-2411, RESELLER, 6c8d5f95897a5a3b
loopme.com, 5679, RESELLER, 6c8d5f95897a5a3b
yieldlab.net, 2172218, RESELLER
appnexus.com, 3368, RESELLER
yoc.com, 5611, DIRECT
google.com, pub-8572040456674904, RESELLER
smartadserver.com, 1363, RESELLER
appnexus.com, 11853, RESELLER, f5ab79cb980f11d1
contextweb.com, 560288, RESELLER, 89ff185a4c4e857c
pubmatic.com, 156439, RESELLER, 5d62403b186f2ace
pubmatic.com, 154037, RESELLER, 5d62403b186f2ace
rubiconproject.com, 16114, RESELLER, 0bfd66d529a55807
openx.com, 537149888, RESELLER, 6a698e2ec38604c6
appnexus.com, 3703, RESELLER, f5ab79cb980f11d1
districtm.io, 101760, RESELLER, 3fd707be9c4527c3
loopme.com, 5679, RESELLER, 6c8d5f95897a5a3b
xad.com, 958, RESELLER, 81cbf0a75a5e0e9a
rhythmone.com, 2564526802, RESELLER, a670c89d4a324e47
smaato.com, 1100044045, RESELLER, 07bcf65f187117b4
pubnative.net, 1006576, RESELLER, d641df8625486a7b
adyoulike.com, b4bf4fdd9b0b915f746f6747ff432bde, RESELLER
axonix.com, 57264, RESELLER
admanmedia.com, 43, RESELLER
Wir nutzen storyflash, eine Dienstleistung der storyflash GmbH, Am Scheitenweg 40, 40589 Düsseldorf (nachfolgend: storyflash). storyflash stellt Widgets bereit, die wir auf unserer Website integriert haben und trackt selber keine personenbezogenen Daten (insbesondere werden von storyflash weder Cookies noch Nutzerdaten verwendet (einschließlich IP-Adressen oder Geräte-IDs) oder so gespeichert, dass ein Nutzer zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt wieder identifiziert werden könnte. Allerdings können die Widgets von storyflash Werbeflächen enthalten, auf denen Dritte Werbung ausspielen.
Weiterführende Informationen zum Datenschutz der Dritten sind hier zu finden: https://smartadserver.com/end-user-privacy-policy/ (die Möglichkeit der Datenerhebung und -speicherung für die Zukunft durch einen Opt-Out zu widersprechen (nachfolgend: Opt-Out), besteht durch Aufruf des folgenden Links: https://www.smartadserver.com/diffx/optout/IABOptout.aspx); https://www.smartstream.tv/de/datenschutz bzw. https://www.smartstream.tv/de/produktdatenschutz (Opt-Out: https://www.smartstream.tv/en/cookie-opt-out); https://screenondemand.de/datenschutzerklaerung/ (Opt-Out: http://screenondemand.de/content-cookie-opt-out); https://yoc.com/de/datenschutz/ (Opt-Out: https://noscript.net/, https://www.ghostery.com/ oder http://www.youronlinechoices.com/uk/your-ad-choices).
Weitere Details zu den Dritten und welche Daten (persönliche Daten und Cookies, die auf Ihrem Computer gespeichert werden und die eine Analyse ermöglichen) von diesen Dritten gespeichert bzw. verwendet werden, können sind hier zu erfahren: https://storyflash.de/datenschutz